176 Sat October 26 2002 - 14:14:09
Fullname: King Kong
Email: kingkong@hotmail.com
Where are your from?: skull island
Homepage URL: www.kingcong.com
Comments: I'll king kong ya cunts.

177 Fri October 25 2002 - 17:49:25
Fullname: Allan Divit
Email: howdoyaespelldammed.com
Where are your from?: the mental YCT
Homepage URL: heaven/hellorsomewhereinbetween.com
Comments: see yae doon the front fir smash it up!!!

178 Thu October 24 2002 - 12:33:37
Fullname: Anon
Email: somecrapindieclub@cretin.com
Where are your from?:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Don't mess with the twins. Just don't.

179 Wed October 23 2002 - 15:47:54
Fullname: david fartalot notman
Email: cheesyeggo@sloanstreet.com
Where are your from?: cheesyeggoland
Homepage URL:
Comments: It's a cheese shop sir!

180 Wed October 23 2002 - 15:45:53
Fullname: virgil tibbs
Email: deepsouth@genamoggitgrotto.com
Where are your from?: california
Homepage URL:
Comments: they call me MR TIBBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

181 Wed October 23 2002 - 13:54:35
Fullname: Arthur Rumtum Tooky
Where are your from?: no ones told me yet
Homepage URL:
Comments: extended use of the contained product may cause skin irritation and/or a rash

182 Mon October 21 2002 - 16:43:41
Fullname: colin whitson
Where are your from?: ma hoose
Homepage URL:
Comments: Dinnae call me KING KONG whatever ye' dae!!!

183 Mon October 21 2002 - 16:43:33
Fullname: colin whitson
Where are your from?: ma hoose
Homepage URL:
Comments: Dinnae call me KING KONG whatever ye' dae!!!

184 Sun October 20 2002 - 00:05:56
Fullname: brittany jay tamillo
Email: brittany12483@aol
Where are your from?: burbank, ca
Homepage URL:
Comments: love you uncle mikie

love britt

185 Sat October 19 2002 - 18:33:08
Fullname: Corrinne Mill
Email: Scotlandpip@aol.com
Where are your from?: California
Homepage URL:
Comments: I am Mikie's long-lost sister. Being that "I knew him when" I must say I never would have imagined he'd grow up to be a punk rock musician as he was very shy as a child....but there was always that wild side to him, which explains why he fell off the flat building while trying to walk on the ledge. Love your website. Wish I could get a video over here in the States so I can SEE you all in concert. See you in December, Mikie. xoxoxo Corrinne

186 Fri October 18 2002 - 19:29:02
Fullname: That funny man at Pluscarden Abbey
Email: funnyman@pluscardenabbey.co.uk
Where are your from?: Pluscarden Abbey, most sundays
Homepage URL:
Comments: I didn't know you were coming here today... ohhh YESSSS!

187 Fri October 18 2002 - 16:46:22
Fullname: Bammy Cammy
Email: smirnoff@yahoo.co.uk
Where are your from?: grassmarket
Homepage URL: www.gingoblins.com
Comments: don't waste money on expensive hollidays .. hang round the train station fer an hour an go home to slowly work your finger up an old mans shitbox

188 Fri October 18 2002 - 16:41:37
Fullname: King Kong
Email: kingkong@hotmail.com
Where are your from?: skull island
Homepage URL: http://www.kingcong.com
Comments: I play bass for the Gin Goblins and eat planes fer breakfast!!

189 Wed October 16 2002 - 16:21:04
Fullname: Kenny Barr
Email: upstairsDJbit@morayhouse.com
Where are your from?: Losersville
Homepage URL:
Comments: Save money on petrol by letting your crappy little mini roll down the street outside Moray House, powered only by the weight of your lardy-assed body.
I can't get no, satisfaction...

190 Tue October 15 2002 - 14:30:19
Fullname: Jimmy Pursey
Where are your from?:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Running for the bus in my flash blue suit
Someone shouts out poof
So I put in the boot
I don't want to wear it
It's my boss that tells me to
So when you laugh at me
You only laugh at you

Anyway who gives a damn
I'm doing the best I can
Anyway who gives a damn
I'm doing the best I can

191 Thu October 10 2002 - 06:46:04
Fullname: waggo
Where are your from?: me old mam's loins
Homepage URL:
Comments: I seen the site an I thought didn't I see you guys in Thurso but i don't see any photo's of the roadie? I think his name was barry bought me a pint great bloke anyway when you playing Cardiff I told the boy's we'll all be there Tiger Mental Moshers.Dont forget the gore.

192 Thu October 10 2002 - 06:46:00
Fullname: waggo
Where are your from?: me old mam's loins
Homepage URL:
Comments: I seen the site an I thought didn't I see you guys in Thurso but i don't see any photo's of the roadie? I think his name was barry bought me a pint great bloke anyway when you playing Cardiff I told the boy's we'll all be there Tiger Mental Moshers.Dont forget the gore.

193 Tue October 08 2002 - 17:25:49
Fullname: Biggsy
Where are your from?: Brazil/Ol 'Blighty
Homepage URL:
Comments: Let me out... I've done my time... straight up... all I want is a pint dahn Margate... it weren't me wot coshed that driver... it was Jonesy... or was it Cooky... ohh, the mind ain't wot it used to be right enough... stroll on, is that the lager n' lime, strike a light etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

126 Thu November 20 2003 - 04:16:10
Fullname: si turner
Email: oestrogenfish@hotmail.com
Where are your from?: edinborough
Homepage URL:
Comments: fuck im fuckin wastrg

127 Thu November 20 2003 - 04:09:01
Fullname: si turner
Email: oestrogenfish@hotmail.com
Where are your from?: edinborough
Homepage URL:
Comments: fuck im fuckin wasted . 29 th yeh

128 Thu November 20 2003 - 03:54:21
Fullname: turner
Email: oestrogenfish@hotmail.com
Where are your from?: edin.
Homepage URL:
Comments: a poem................
.......vacant distortions of life remeining through family connections a score will be sifted . as the bladers whittled their way to the match . darkened by chemical incestuous holdings they shouldered ther way past the faces of reason . as the bladers did blade their way into the season . proud inside personal zen . with a flash of cold steel sliced open the skin . the victim fell hard cold clutching the sream . he saddled the gravel . blood bridging the beams . the tears of his history locked in black mystery sent him back shivering to hell in the flood . like would like be drowning red in the fire . sights clean comin from every desire . vacant . delirious . scarred almost meaningless . the bladers took no time to see the crossed wire

129 Thu November 13 2003 - 07:38:50
Fullname: cowboy
Where are your from?: san antonio texas
Homepage URL:
Comments: hey you people check out the new cd from the square peg it's awesome man he used to roadie the goblins and all the time he had this stuff in the can....get it

130 Wed November 05 2003 - 22:26:38
Fullname: turner
Email: oestrogenfish@hotmail.com
Where are your from?: the borough
Homepage URL:
Comments: fuckin brilliant site.Good tae see a few familiar faces.Sorry to coco for pissin him off at killing joke.Keep clowning.

131 Mon October 13 2003 - 20:21:36
Fullname: foook
Email: foook@foook.com
Where are your from?: foooking england!
Homepage URL: http://www.foook.com
Comments: foook! its possible!

132 Wed October 08 2003 - 09:34:11
Fullname: German Shepard
Email: sven_rosenkoetter@web.de
Where are your from?: Bόnde
Homepage URL: http://www.turbojugend.buende.beep.de
Comments: Hi boys,
I have an idea! Call your band the Gay Goblins!! It's a much better name, ha, ha! Just kidding! Take a look at our lovely homopage!
Keep the erection up!
German Shepard

133 Thu September 18 2003 - 16:17:59
Fullname: Fee Yule
Email: fionayule@yahoo.co.uk
Where are your from?:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Andy's Wife (All Gargleblud people will remember him). He would love to hear from anyone who would like to get in touch. Still talks fondly of Gargleblud (a little too fondly sometimes) but is banned from playing the music in the house (sorry guys.

Contact @ email address above. Yaah Bass,

134 Tue September 16 2003 - 18:11:19
Fullname: Lord Luc..., er, Jungly Barry
Where are your from?: Goa
Homepage URL:
Comments: Jungly Barry here... just letting you know my new Cd is out soon... and, well, you see I just panicked, that's why I ran... it was mistaken identity, I meant to kill the damn wife, er, no, I didn't kill anyone... no, not me, panicked you see... and once I started running, well, I had to KEEP running. Oh no, it's all gone wrong again...

135 Thu September 11 2003 - 15:22:52
Fullname: Norrie
Email: nufpalsta
Where are your from?:
Homepage URL: inthewilderness@disownedgrunt.atleastidont.tellporkys.com
Comments: Well i'm of work with the flu, headachey and sweaty (just like being at work) Thank god for my game cube, i'd be lost without the cunt!

136 Sun August 24 2003 - 18:15:01
Fullname: Marcus Carcass
Email: heyholetsgo@btinternet.com
Where are your from?: right next door to hell
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hey Goblins, I sent you a couple of emails to find out about the cost of getting one of the 10" EPs posted to fife and I haven't had a reply, get back to me soon if ya dont mind.

Stay Sick !!! Turn Blue !!!

137 Wed August 13 2003 - 04:43:13
Fullname: miss d
Email: missladygodiva6@aol.com
Where are your from?: u.s fucking A
Homepage URL: n/a
Comments: yo! mike cool right on.there are some weird folf in scotland! yeah keep music evil 666! later miss D

138 Thu August 07 2003 - 03:12:52
Fullname: Barry Gordon
Email: flynns77@hotmail.com
Where are your from?: Embra'
Homepage URL:
Comments: As the radge responsible for mixing up yer "Christian" names and the names of your cover tunes in my Sunday Mail review of you, let me take this opportunity to apologise. Nah, fuck it. I was stuck way at the back and had some lass pickering to me about Portugeuse Geometry and Black Lace songs so concentration was a bit difficult. Still, delighted as ever to come along and see you put on another full-on show. I first remembered seeing the Gin Goblins in my home town of Thurso (or, Twin Peaks - and, closer to Oslo than Edinburgh, in more ways than one) many moons ago, and boy, what a great craic that night was. My shoulders still crack by the way.
I'm still reviewing gigs for the local rags, so do email me anytime you're playing in Glasgae, or Embra' soon won't you? By the way, I'm not sure if you lot have seen my own band - Gamma Vs. Delta? You know, the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion rip-offs (just 2 guitars, and drums, little else)? The other guitarist in the band, Ralph - a chef apparently - tells me he talks to you now and then, so get in touch sometime if you want a piddly little hick band from the backwoods to blow off the stage for you. All the best for the future. Strange fact reviewing at this years festival: after seeing Al Jourgenson as a Zombie JR Ewing backed up by his two Adam and the Ants drummers in Glasgow short ago I thought I'd never see a better band for quite some time. Get this: go see Raw Elvis. Yep, they're a tribute to the King. I know. I thought the same when I was first asked to go along and cover them. By fuck, forget the fact they play Elvis tunes, as a live band, I tell ya, just go. No, really. Or you're money back.

Cheers, y'all!

139 Thu July 24 2003 - 16:22:25
Fullname: The Doctor
Email: i'llfixyeupnaebother@quack.co.uk
Where are your from?: the infirmareee
Homepage URL:
Comments: Ah Norman, what is it you do (or attempt to do) that causes this constant breaking of toes? The countryside is dangerous don't you know? Porty on then other hand... quite safe, apart from the odd stabbing and abducting. And yer right about the arcades... gid old fashioned bandits... none of these 25p a shot ones. 75% payout, MY ARSE.

140 Thu July 24 2003 - 16:17:01
Fullname: Marco Pirroni
Email: buns4me@icingandjamtoo.co.uk
Where are your from?: London
Homepage URL: BunMuseum.com
Comments: If anyone has any buns (all quality considered, but preferably "quality" buns... real cream, lots of jam, thick icing) will they please get in touch. I'm hungry. Cakes considered too. And pies. Chips?

141 Sat July 19 2003 - 22:22:42
Fullname: norrie
Email: frankensills@yahoo.co.uk
Where are your from?: the sewers of new york city
Homepage URL:
Comments: Back from my holiday. Broke my wee toe (again) on second last day. Not be going to poison idea then.
Thank fuck for my game cube.
Loch Tummel was lovely, if you appreciate all that trees and bushes on hills pish like dave does. Give me a good dod of amusement arcades and sideshows anyday.
When your in porty everyday is a holiday. Anyway i'm home.

142 Tue July 15 2003 - 21:00:15
Fullname: Jakey McLager
Where are your from?: the gutter
Homepage URL:
Comments: Ach naw... try oot the Clansman... barry pint o' Tennants, goes doon a treat every mornin'. Braw "canteen" style tae.

143 Tue July 15 2003 - 19:38:58
Fullname: king kong
Email: kong@skullisland.com
Where are your from?: as above
Homepage URL: www.kingkong.com
Comments: the phoenix is a load a shite try somewhere classy like tommy youngers .. bin done ott barry

144 Thu June 19 2003 - 07:53:38
Fullname: gaar
Email: sheepdug@hotmail.com
Where are your from?: Jihabradean..mainly...
Homepage URL: www.sheepdug.co.uk
Comments: ..gigged with yas in Hamilton circa 1995 --- only now starting to have flashbacks of the fateful night after massive pestering by Dave (guitar, bass or what !!) ?...anyway point isa...video is on its way... you rock you rule and hope to have my ears bleeding again soon :)


145 Tue June 17 2003 - 21:38:59
Fullname: Robert King
Where are your from?: Scars
Homepage URL: http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/scarsauthor/
Comments: Coco,

Liked the website. Keep up the good work!

Robert King

146 Fri May 16 2003 - 22:09:04
Fullname: norri
Where are your from?:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Breaking news.
Phoenix bar? Its been aw decked oot.

147 Thu May 15 2003 - 02:48:39
Fullname: regina
Email: regina_jaehde@yahoo.de
Where are your from?:
Homepage URL:
Comments: forgot an a in my emailadress. should maybe be correct when i want to get infos. i am at work. boring!!!

148 Wed May 14 2003 - 12:57:35
Fullname: regina
Email: regin_jaehde@yahoo.de
Where are your from?: edinburgh
Homepage URL:
Comments: great site. many pictures. it's my third week in edinburgh, it was the right decission to come here. could please everyone who knows about hardcore, punkconcerts... send me an email where what happens? my flatmate and me feel often a little bit bored. the pubs we go to are great, but concerts would be great too.

149 Sat May 10 2003 - 10:59:51
Fullname: joe strummer
Email: joestrummer@lineone.net
Where are your from?: pictland
Homepage URL: http://website.lineone.net/~joestrummer/
Comments: Hi guys, sorry I'm dead, but heres that gig I did at coasters back in 88


did ye enjoy the damned gig last night ?

150 Wed March 19 2003 - 15:33:24
Fullname: Norri
Where are your from?: Glassburgh
Homepage URL: in exile
Comments: Never mind going to california for an all day breakfast when you can get eggs (you get 2) chips and beans plus a buttered roll and a can of irn bru at the basement cafe for in or around £3, not a stones throw from the spanking new bus station, handy.
You get plenty even by my standards.
Theres a lot in Ed"in"burgh!

101 Sun December 12 2004 - 10:56:37
Fullname: Neil whyte
Email: neil@jupiter.no
Where are your from?: between wives
Homepage URL:
Comments: Norman, further to your observation i am sure that a lesser spotted gingoblin had been spotted on top of a vernicular...no sorry funicular and destroying gingerbread towns in Norway last weekend. they fookin get around you know!

102 Sun December 12 2004 - 10:51:22
Fullname: Neil Riot
Email: dedpunx@hotmail.com
Where are your from?: on the good ship jupiter
Homepage URL:
Comments: A've joost bought a load of jam.
Foockin norwegians..they know there jam!

103 Thu December 09 2004 - 15:00:36
Fullname: Neil RIOT
Where are your from?:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hey Dave ,did you check out www.neilwilde.com .The OFFICIAL site obviously!

104 Fri November 26 2004 - 13:53:52
Email: flyingsaucerattack@blueyonder.co.uk
Where are your from?: FIFE
Homepage URL:

105 Fri November 05 2004 - 22:32:16
Fullname: duggie kyle
Email: duggie101@hotmail.com
Where are your from?: Ex-Manager
Homepage URL:
Comments: Question:-
How do you control
uncontrolable energy
You Don't, You step to the side
and enjoy it like every other cunt
What a journey ! What a Fuckin Journey !
p.s. great love songs

106 Fri October 22 2004 - 20:55:09
Fullname: Chris Sutherland
Email: abloatedcorpse@hotmail.com
Where are your from?: darkest leith
Homepage URL:
Comments: mikey drop an email about saturday at mercat not seen for years hopefully you pay rodies now
chris sutherland
flat 9/14 crown street
eh6 8lu

107 Tue October 12 2004 - 11:05:42
Fullname: Darktig
Where are your from?: Simpsons
Homepage URL: http://www.darkhouse.uk.com
Comments: Website should work with this link!

108 Tue October 12 2004 - 10:47:43
Fullname: Tigre
Email: darktig@blueyonder.co.uk
Where are your from?: Here
Homepage URL: www.darkhouse.uk.com
Comments: Gon yersel Mikey. Get in touch about site if you want.
T xxx

109 Wed October 06 2004 - 13:37:27
Fullname: andy yule
Email: flyman_52@hotmail.com
Where are your from?: the bowels of torqumada
Homepage URL:
Comments: had this address since feb finaly learned to use it. send us some vynl over.and all the gossip.

110 Tue July 27 2004 - 22:51:57
Fullname: The Square Peg
Email: strandedrecordsscotland@f2s.com
Where are your from?: Edinburgh/Scotland
Homepage URL: http://www.strandedrecords-scotland.co.uk
Comments: STRANDED RECORDS are releasing a 7" split single on translucent lilac vinyl in a gatefold sleeve with SWELLBELLYS / ASSERT in august available through the bands and STRANDED RECORDS web site;


111 Sun July 25 2004 - 18:24:14
Fullname: Norman
Where are your from?: the fridge thats why i'm so cool
Homepage URL:
Comments: Top Dave insults volume 1.
1.sorry mate i thought you were a bird.
Any of my readers wish to add any?

112 Fri June 04 2004 - 12:42:33
Fullname: The Voice Of Reason
Email: aye right
Where are your from?: Wow, like, deep man, where ARE we from
Homepage URL: fuck aff
Comments: Norman, Norman, Norman... stop watching Big Brother, it rots your brain, it truly does. Other things rot your brain but at least are more fun. Sniffing paint is better than Big Brother. More interesting people in a pot of paint too (if you sniff enough).
Big Brother might possibly be okay if they were forced to fight each other to the death using only weapons found in the great Gladiator battles of yester-millenium. Baggsy no get the fucking net though.

113 Thu June 03 2004 - 23:14:53
Fullname: Norman
Email: not the type
Where are your from?: cardonald
Homepage URL: nein! You English dogs!
Comments: Big brother 2004

Vanessa: Tis fairer now but maybe they give to many rights to the blecks.

Shell: Waterstones employee lookeylikey. posh bint.

Victor: Known as the milkman not because he "always delivers" but because he he's on minimum wage.

Marko: Loves princess Di.

Jason: Nice arse.

Michelle: Geordie Whore, but with a heart.

Ahmed: Seeking asylum in all the wrong places.

Emma: "how do tv's work?"

Dan: Is going to initiate Jason. Denom demon.

Nadia: Don't no why but she reminds me of ricky.

Stu: Do know why, reminds me of old flat mate Joe.

Kitten: Deek has created a monster.

114 Mon May 17 2004 - 21:34:51
Fullname: thora hird
Email: fuck that modern shit
Where are your from?: over there somewhere
Homepage URL: mmmmmm
Comments: it's me legs........

115 Mon May 03 2004 - 18:26:05
Fullname: Norman
Email: thats how it starts
Where are your from?: Cardonald
Homepage URL: Don't have one, my old band hate me. They wish i was dead.
Comments: The Fog is on tv tonight (11.00pm ch4), I'm taping it as life beyond the box is featuring Norman stanley Fletcher (another famous Norman)in a porridge spectacular at 10.30 pm on beeb 2. I almost borrowed the fog of fraser the other night too. But it was region one so my dvd player wouldnay hear of it. It's a good one. Seems like everytime i rent a movie michael Grades got it on the telly the next night.
I saw two gin Goblins last night, thats 2 out of a possible 4, any of my readers beat that!

116 Tue April 13 2004 - 14:31:15
Fullname: Jakey Burns
Where are your from?:
Homepage URL:


One Car Pile Up
Drag Cars Drive Too Fast


117 Sun March 07 2004 - 13:57:41
Fullname: Hugh G Reckshun
Where are your from?: London (where I done a power o' shagging twenty years ago)
Homepage URL:
Comments: Punk/rock/blues/thrash???Surely you are mistaken Mr Pickle.It never got me or the other person I know who's heard it pogoing, we just ended up giggling like schoolies but hey!! its never too late to make it though!!!!!

118 Wed February 25 2004 - 12:24:47
Fullname: The Square Peg
Email: strandedrecordsscotland@f2s.com
Where are your from?: Edinburgh/Scotland
Homepage URL: http://www.strandedrecords-scotland.co.uk
Comments: Ex-Goblins roadie "The Square Peg" has released a 6-track CDxlnt-1 "Echoes of War" on "Stranded Records" the CD features.
Big John (ex-exploited / gin goblins) and Gary McCormack (ex-exploited) on guitars.
A powerful protest punk/rock/blue's/thrash. and is available in most indie shops in Edinburgh / Glasgow. Amsterdam and San Antonio / Austin texas.
original 7" vinyl by The Square Peg / Napalm Stars / Bohn Legion / Swine Flu still available through the site
for more info on the bands and the music visit the website;
listen to it at; www.soundclick.com/bands/0/thesquarepeg.htm
or buy it from; www.interpunk.com

cheers Lawrence/larry (The Square Peg)

119 Fri February 13 2004 - 17:44:54
Fullname: Stene-means something like puppy in english-
Email: vision.x@tiscali.cz
Where are your from?: CZ,Prague
Homepage URL: flagship-punk.wz.cz
Comments: Aye, scary beats!
What bout playing in Prague, Czech Rep.? That fuckin crazy city would perfectly fit onto your image, with all its gothic streets and deadly ghosts and other shits! Comon, visit us,many woukd like to see [hear] you, so move your but, quickly [pleeeasee!!!]
Also, look at our page, we arent ghost or any other scary creatures, but were fuckin deadly pirates, and thats not so bad,huh? Bye, and sorry bout my eglish,fuckin hard language [expect the word fuckin,i like to use it,in CZ, we use KURVA]

120 Thu February 05 2004 - 23:55:19
Fullname: norman
Where are your from?:
Homepage URL:
Comments: thats not what dave got six months for.

121 Thu January 15 2004 - 14:55:51
Fullname: God
Email: god@heaven.com
Where are your from?: EVERYWHERE
Homepage URL: www.god.com
Comments: Yes the Gin Goblins are still going, and you probably never got a reply 'cos the spawn on satan webspace providers fucked up so no e-mails got through for about 6months. I soon sorted that out with a lightning bolt and a burning tree though.
I'll get Jesus, er I mean, one of the band to contact you.

122 Thu January 15 2004 - 13:59:52
Fullname: Craig
Email: the_declined@hotmail.com
Where are your from?: falkirk
Homepage URL:
Comments: are the gin goblins still going? i was after a copy of your 10" record emailed youse a while back but never got a reply how do i get yin?

123 Wed January 14 2004 - 20:13:46
Fullname: Norman
Email: Nuff pals
Where are your from?: Weegabello
Homepage URL: nup
Comments: Quiet christmas and a pish new year working. Like pursey would say- Thats life.

124 Tue December 09 2003 - 19:55:59
Fullname: Los Kung Fu Monkeys
Email: loskungfumonkeys@hotmail.com
Where are your from?: Tijuana
Homepage URL: www.loskfm.com
Comments: Los Kung Fu Monkeys have released a second full length album End Transmission on One Shot Records, being a set to be a defining album for the band. Songs like Short Fuse & Neglect is what make this a must have record. Anyone who likes Mad Caddies, AFI, Buck o Nine, Voodoo Glow Skulls, and the Misfits will enjoy this record. Having a bit of everything for everyone, from the upbeat sounds of Blue to the screams of My Nightmare get it at www.interpunk.com & www.amazon.com

125 Fri November 28 2003 - 22:41:56
Fullname: coco
Email: fuck off
Where are your from?: and another fuck off
Homepage URL: this one
Comments: look funny cunt with your shit fuckin' poems i dont even remember you at Killing joke so fuck off and die you fuckin' twat!!!!!!!

76 Tue March 15 2005 - 02:53:29
Fullname: Craig
Email: the_declined@hotmail.om
Where are your from?: Stenny (Hame of Highland? Toffee and shite fitba teams)
Homepage URL: www.thedeclined.4t.com
Comments: haw dave check yer emails if youse want a gig in (god forbid) Falkirk

you an aw norri no spoke tae ye fur ages gies a wee letter on the auld emails if yeve goat the time pal

77 Fri March 11 2005 - 02:32:08
Fullname: Norman
Where are your from?: Midlothian
Homepage URL:
Comments: Youse lot are living on past glories, when was the last time you were in the sun or anything.That pale looking cunt out the libertines would eat you for breakfast. Get a grip lads!
Regards, Norm

78 Fri March 11 2005 - 02:31:08
Fullname: Norman
Where are your from?: Midlothian
Homepage URL:
Comments: Youse lot are living on past glories, when was the last time you were in the sun or anything.That pale looking cunt out the libertines would eat you for breakfast. Get a grip lads!
Regards, Norm

79 Tue February 22 2005 - 21:19:43
Fullname: stevie caldwell
Email: steviecald@3mail.com
Where are your from?: glasgow (edinburgh originally)
Homepage URL:
Comments: mickie my other e-mail is steviecaldwell2000@yahoo.co.uk

80 Tue February 22 2005 - 21:16:25
Fullname: stevie caldwell
Email: steviecald@3mail.com
Where are your from?: glasgow
Homepage URL:
Comments: mickie hope you get this.its stevie caldwell and im trying to get in touch with wattie,ive just finished a rehab programme and staying in glasgow now.id appreciate his e-mail as id like to make peace with him.say hello to willie for me and sorry i missed the gig at barfly.takr care mate,stevie

81 Sun February 06 2005 - 16:52:40
Fullname: DevilGirl
Where are your from?:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Great gig last night!

82 Thu January 27 2005 - 16:39:10
Fullname: Dave from the Winchester
Where are your from?: The Winchester, I've said that already.
Homepage URL:
Comments: Tel is welcome ANY TIME... any time at all. That Ray on the other hand... couldn't "mind" his name (to use the Jock parlance). Ray will never be a Tel.

83 Sun January 23 2005 - 16:31:47
Fullname: Rusty Egan
Where are your from?: don't know
Homepage URL:
Comments: I would like it to be known that

84 Sun January 23 2005 - 16:30:28
Fullname: Steve Jones
Where are your from?: LA these days
Homepage URL:
Comments: Elvis Costello wears glasses... with no actual glass in them.

85 Sat January 22 2005 - 20:07:26
Fullname: stevie caldwell
Email: steviecald@3mail.com
Where are your from?: glasgow
Homepage URL:

86 Wed December 22 2004 - 12:18:32
Fullname: Father xmas
Email: rednoserudolph@lapland.net
Where are your from?: Oblivion
Homepage URL: fraserslatetonight
Comments: Wahoo nebraska??la x17 then la x19 then everybody swinging arms and clicking fingers to end THIS IS THE BIG TIME BOYS!!!!!

87 Wed December 15 2004 - 12:48:42
Fullname: totally
Email: not funny
Where are your from?: just really annoying
Homepage URL: like how annoying welsh legends man are

88 Sun December 12 2004 - 11:00:57
Fullname: Neil wylde
Email: neilwylde@jupiter.no
Where are your from?: bergen
Homepage URL: http://www.neilwilde.com/
Comments: Joost thought a'd let you jock lads into a little insight i gained at the weekend...(my) philosophy is all people are
different and what They may be feeling tonight is not what
they will be feeling tomorrow night taking that into
consideration if your singing and playing with feelings
a song should be deferent every time you perform it
and with the Neil Wilde Way that's what you get.

89 Sun December 12 2004 - 10:56:37
Fullname: Neil whyte
Email: neil@jupiter.no
Where are your from?: between wives
Homepage URL:
Comments: Norman, further to your observation i am sure that a lesser spotted gingoblin had been spotted on top of a vernicular...no sorry funicular and destroying gingerbread towns in Norway last weekend. they fookin get around you know!

90 Sun December 12 2004 - 10:51:22
Fullname: Neil Riot
Email: dedpunx@hotmail.com
Where are your from?: on the good ship jupiter
Homepage URL:
Comments: A've joost bought a load of jam.
Foockin norwegians..they know there jam!

91 Thu December 09 2004 - 15:00:36
Fullname: Neil RIOT
Where are your from?:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hey Dave ,did you check out www.neilwilde.com .The OFFICIAL site obviously!

92 Fri November 26 2004 - 13:53:52
Email: flyingsaucerattack@blueyonder.co.uk
Where are your from?: FIFE
Homepage URL:

93 Fri November 05 2004 - 22:32:16
Fullname: duggie kyle
Email: duggie101@hotmail.com
Where are your from?: Ex-Manager
Homepage URL:
Comments: Question:-
How do you control
uncontrolable energy
You Don't, You step to the side
and enjoy it like every other cunt
What a journey ! What a Fuckin Journey !
p.s. great love songs

94 Fri October 22 2004 - 20:55:09
Fullname: Chris Sutherland
Email: abloatedcorpse@hotmail.com
Where are your from?: darkest leith
Homepage URL:
Comments: mikey drop an email about saturday at mercat not seen for years hopefully you pay rodies now
chris sutherland
flat 9/14 crown street
eh6 8lu

95 Tue October 12 2004 - 11:05:42
Fullname: Darktig
Where are your from?: Simpsons
Homepage URL: http://www.darkhouse.uk.com
Comments: Website should work with this link!

96 Tue October 12 2004 - 10:47:43
Fullname: Tigre
Email: darktig@blueyonder.co.uk
Where are your from?: Here
Homepage URL: www.darkhouse.uk.com
Comments: Gon yersel Mikey. Get in touch about site if you want.
T xxx

97 Wed October 06 2004 - 13:37:27
Fullname: andy yule
Email: flyman_52@hotmail.com
Where are your from?: the bowels of torqumada
Homepage URL:
Comments: had this address since feb finaly learned to use it. send us some vynl over.and all the gossip.

98 Tue July 27 2004 - 22:51:57
Fullname: The Square Peg
Email: strandedrecordsscotland@f2s.com
Where are your from?: Edinburgh/Scotland
Homepage URL: http://www.strandedrecords-scotland.co.uk
Comments: STRANDED RECORDS are releasing a 7" split single on translucent lilac vinyl in a gatefold sleeve with SWELLBELLYS / ASSERT in august available through the bands and STRANDED RECORDS web site;


99 Sun July 25 2004 - 18:24:14
Fullname: Norman
Where are your from?: the fridge thats why i'm so cool
Homepage URL:
Comments: Top Dave insults volume 1.
1.sorry mate i thought you were a bird.
Any of my readers wish to add any?

100 Fri June 04 2004 - 12:42:33
Fullname: The Voice Of Reason
Email: aye right
Where are your from?: Wow, like, deep man, where ARE we from
Homepage URL: fuck aff
Comments: Norman, Norman, Norman... stop watching Big Brother, it rots your brain, it truly does. Other things rot your brain but at least are more fun. Sniffing paint is better than Big Brother. More interesting people in a pot of paint too (if you sniff enough).
Big Brother might possibly be okay if they were forced to fight each other to the death using only weapons found in the great Gladiator battles of yester-millenium. Baggsy no get the fucking net though.

51 Fri January 13 2006 - 21:13:46
Fullname: Norman
Where are your from?:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Fuckin hell did i forget to send doss a christmas card again?

52 Mon January 09 2006 - 22:19:32
Fullname: Marco Pirroni
Email: bunlover@fatty.co.uk
Where are your from?: Nowhere
Homepage URL:
Comments: If anyone got any buns for Xmas that they don't want... I'll have them off you. Will collect.

53 Fri January 06 2006 - 21:05:11
Fullname: no
Email: no
Where are your from?: no
Homepage URL: no
Comments: Ah, a fantastic start to the new year for the Goblins guestbook! Ye cannae beat those happy, smiling January faces.
On second thoughts, everyone can fuck off.
Fuck off.

54 Thu January 05 2006 - 01:29:39
Fullname: doss edinburgh cunt
Where are your from?:
Homepage URL:
Comments: fuck off norman, we hate you and you hate us so stop all yer solidarity pish and fuck off back to carrot crunchin land

55 Mon January 02 2006 - 12:30:22
Fullname: Norman
Email: Rather not have the death threats
Where are your from?: I'm from wiping the floor with all the doss edinburgh cunts it the cairds.
Homepage URL:
Comments: I wiped the floor with them, i took the cairds money and gave it to my Mrs to buy messages. Gogs was the easiest, but they were all cannon fodder. They never took my photo because they couldn't handle the shame. I was even drunk and showing them my cairds. Like taking candy off of a baby.
Hope everyone has had a happy new years eve and good luck for the coming year. Without sounding too pessimistic i think its going to be a real stinker with loads of bombings and earthquakes, Well it is the end times we're living in. Loads of love, sillsy boy

56 Mon December 26 2005 - 12:58:10
Fullname: Drue Van Driver
Email: drue@easypeasy.com
Where are your from?: lotsofdifferentplaces
Homepage URL:
Comments: wanna come and see you guys play again- been a couple o' years. great website- regards, DVD

57 Fri December 23 2005 - 00:38:57
Fullname: greg lake
Email: greglake@doogieshoose.com
Where are your from?: yahoo nebraska
Homepage URL:
Comments: Christmas is Christmas is Christmas.... now everybody swing ing n clicking those fingers for the na na na bit!!!!!!

58 Thu December 08 2005 - 22:10:18
Fullname: Mair o they
Email: sweary
Where are your from?: words
Homepage URL: spunkybubblepuss
Comments: aye KERPLUNK...couldnae afford the sweeney board game on e-bay but as ah say KERFUCKINPLUNK YA BASS..........

59 Thu December 08 2005 - 12:57:27
Fullname: Fuck off
Email: you
Where are your from?: backgammon
Homepage URL: cunts
Comments: Aye, fuck backgammon! Anyone that plays it is a cunt too. What the fuck is it anyway? Cairds is better. Aye, the cairds, the cairds...

60 Thu December 08 2005 - 10:33:09
Fullname: WHAT
Email: Backgammon
Where are your from?: Fucin'backgammon
Homepage URL: are you mental

61 Fri December 02 2005 - 11:42:00
Fullname: Joey Deacon
Email: this just in..........NAW
Where are your from?: slightly less posh than gogs
Homepage URL:
Comments: I took the quiz, who have you been getting it up the parper from gogs, you beast?

PS you didnt know norman in the 80's

62 Wed November 30 2005 - 19:27:31
Fullname: Gogs
Where are your from?:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Dave,when you get back from london can you edit that last post so that the http stands out and you can just click on it!

63 Wed November 30 2005 - 19:24:58
Fullname: Gogs
Where are your from?: You ken
Homepage URL: http://www.thesite.org.uk/flash/dodgy.html
Comments: Try this one out


I got

More than a bit naughty - you're heading for a spot of bother at this rate - that is if you're not already inside. You don't have to be perfect, but if no one says you're a bad person, they're wrong. You are.

Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*:

Years in prison: 71 Potential fine: £7000 Plus a possibility of the death penalty!


64 Tue November 29 2005 - 18:35:48
Fullname: Gogs
Where are your from?: wherever
Homepage URL:
Comments: There is a subtle difference between these last 2 posts.Honest!;)

65 Tue November 29 2005 - 18:34:14
Fullname: Gogs
Where are your from?: wherever
Homepage URL:
Comments: Did you get 'The Poker Thing' removed at the hospital or did the doctor manage to do it with just a local anaesthetic?
Funny name for it as well!
Maby that'll stop you subscribing to www.weirdinsertions.com

66 Tue November 29 2005 - 18:33:26
Fullname: Gogs
Where are your from?: wherever
Homepage URL:
Comments: Did you get 'The Poker Thing' removed at the hospital or did the doctor manage to do it with just a local anaesthetic?
Funny name for it as well!
Maby that'll stop you subscribing to www.wierdinsertions.com

67 Sun November 27 2005 - 15:23:40
Fullname: The Boss
Email: You? My e-mail address? Aye, right...
Where are your from?: A place of great beauty
Homepage URL: fuckfuckfuck
Comments: Now I've removed the Poker thing, no-one knows what you're on about. That's the power I have.
I'll be round later taking the posters down. Yes, I will. No, really, I will. Honestly. WOuld I lie to you? Would I? Oh come on, there's no need to be like that...

68 Sun November 27 2005 - 14:35:57
Fullname: Gogs
Where are your from?: Posh bit o the toon
Homepage URL:
Comments: On line poker?WTF that all about?
Anyway,another crackin gig on Fri night.Just hope your gonna send a boy up this end of town to take down all these posters that are still up.They are lowering the tone of the area!
That is all.

69 Tue November 22 2005 - 13:34:16
Fullname: Norman Watcher
Email: whit?
Where are your from?: eh?
Homepage URL: Ah wouldnae ken
Comments: He's always hiding in the dark too.

70 Tue November 22 2005 - 13:17:07
Fullname: Fergal Sharkey
Email: assholehaircuts@yeeha.com
Where are your from?: Derry
Homepage URL:
Comments: The cops are on the heat,cos Normans waiting in the street tonight.
There goes Norman!

71 Mon November 14 2005 - 13:03:51
Fullname: Dodgy Old Man
Where are your from?: Newtown Paperback
Homepage URL:
Comments: Personal callers only son.
All "goods" handed to you in plain brown bag. Just pretend you were buying some of our discounted envelopes should you be spotted leaving.

72 Mon November 14 2005 - 12:12:20
Fullname: Dodgy young man
Where are your from?:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Eh,sorry dodgyoldman but your URL link doesn't seem to work.Is it one of these password protected sites that needs my credit card number to open it?If so then tell me and i will provide you with the information.

73 Wed November 09 2005 - 22:13:49
Fullname: Dodgy Old Man
Email: private
Where are your from?: Newtown Paperback, DundasSt., Edinburgh
Homepage URL: notmanybookshere@itsallporn.com
Comments: Psst... anyone interested in anything a bit... "stronger"?

74 Wed November 09 2005 - 17:34:44
Fullname: Gogs
Where are your from?:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Yep,crackin gig.............and Norrie,I'll buy them back off you for a fiver.
They're no fir me liksay,fir a mate,ken!

75 Sun November 06 2005 - 12:18:53
Fullname: Norm
Where are your from?: countryside
Homepage URL:
Comments: Nice wan last night!Both bands great! Best £4 i've spent since buying Edinburgh Gog's raz mag collection so he could buy more cider back in the eighties. Anyone interested in a full collection of 50+ mags can contact me through Dave, though they'll be costing a wee bit more than £4 (inflation,ken?).

26 Thu September 14 2006 - 16:30:17
Fullname: trampus
Where are your from?:
Homepage URL:
Comments: yeah ...well.you can fuck off n all you KANT

27 Wed September 13 2006 - 16:46:05
Fullname: lawrence peter smelly
Email: justgivemeabellinstead.co.uk
Where are your from?: dunedin
Homepage URL:
Comments: can i have my 'londoner 100 watt combo' back now that your rich and famous and have your own website with loads of photos in it of all your pals and i've not got any cos me and my pals split up and ferry went to london and malk went to dunbar and left me on my own with that fuckin guitar that i could never play...oh...and my mike stand?...i'm going solo.. and that twenty pounds that i subbed coco 9 years ago....failing that what about free entry to every gig that you do this year...that should save me a tenner....and was that the one and only scott'steve ignorant'cooper? 'fuckin hell...i mean fucks sake,y'know are we all forty now? wow fucks sake...and you guys are still,like;...punks?...wow....40....you guys....like havent you got jobs?'......fucks sake scott...why the surprise?what else was coco going to do?nae cunt was ever going to give him a job at the scotsman...personnaly i'm surprised he's not in the jail...the long nosed fucker was on a fast track to saughton before i taught him how to play guitar...he's still shite mind but it keeps him out of trouble...

28 Tue August 29 2006 - 14:37:47
Email: is betterthanfuckall
Where are your from?: so there!
Homepage URL:
Comments: Aye GONE!!Took the FUCKIN christmas club money as well..CUNT!!!

29 Mon August 28 2006 - 13:43:30
Fullname: nae chance
Email: nae chance either
Where are your from?: nae FUCKING chance
Homepage URL: nae nae nae
Comments: And Arthur Fowler from Eastenders has totally lost it. We're talking big style here. Gone.

30 Mon August 28 2006 - 12:31:28
Fullname: lkjpgrh
Email: asfhiafihf@gsdhdf.shit
Where are your from?: lunar
Homepage URL:
Comments: Arthur Lee.......dead!Arthur Brown played at Wickerman.......alive!

31 Fri August 04 2006 - 13:06:02
Fullname: Gogs
Where are your from?:
Homepage URL:
Comments: See auld Arthur Lee's popped his clogs!Wickerman must've been so good he thought 'ah,done it all now'!

32 Thu August 03 2006 - 13:01:22
Email: i think not ! Very irksome things
Where are your from?: I do believe i'm frightfully Scottish
Homepage URL: www.slowlyworkyourfingerupanoldmanshole.com

33 Wed August 02 2006 - 19:45:43
Fullname: Scott
Email: scooper@scotsman.com
Where are your from?: Our past.
Homepage URL:
Comments: Fuckin Hell. Its been a long fuckin time. Is that everyone over 40 now?

Its a great site, some brillaint pics.

Coco - you're still as handsome as ever. I think I saw you in the street the other day but not sure. You were with a lassie wi pink hair? How is everyone? Mikey, you aint changed at all. Hows Jess? Hope everyone is doing well. Would be great to hear how everyone is.

as I said - fuckin Hell.

34 Sat July 08 2006 - 12:33:29
Fullname: Everyone
Where are your from?:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Aye, raise a glass to ol' Tom! Respect to the wooly hat. A sad day indeed.
I'll never forget that time he took acid up Arthur's Seat. "Fucks sake, there's lava everywhere" he cried before slightly losing his footing. An edited version can be seen in "An Edinburgh Volcano".

Here's to ya Tom! One of the greats.

35 Fri July 07 2006 - 11:24:03
Fullname: Gogs
Where are your from?:
Homepage URL:
Comments: And just to lighten the mood here a Tam Weir joke
"Now that Tam has gone to the great outdoors bet he meets Fanny Craddock, the great tv cook,gets hitched so that will make her Fanny Weir..............."

I use the term 'joke' loosely!

36 Fri July 07 2006 - 11:18:11
Fullname: Gogs
Where are your from?:
Homepage URL:
Comments: R.I.P Tom Weir

07 July 2006 11:00

One of Scotland's most well-known broadcasters and champion of the great outdoors, Tom Weir, has died. The 91-year-old was best known through his long running stv series Weirs Way in which he explored the Scottish countryside. It is understood he passed away yesterday at a retirement home in Balloch.

He was a climber, a naturalist, an explorer, a writer but most of all he was one of the first ever TV presenters to bring the beauty of Scotland's great outdoors to a worldwide audience . In his wooly bunnet and Fair Isle jumper, Tom Weir was an unmistakable figure roaming across the Scottish landscape.

He was born in Glasgow's Springburn in 1914 and grew up without his father who was killed in the First World War. After his own war time service, he was employed as a surveyor for Ordinance Survey but soon established a full time career as a writer, climber and and photographer.

He traveled widely and was of the first mountaineers to explore Nepal. In Scotland he was best known for being presenter of Weir's Way which recently found popularity with a younger audience. An icon in Scottish life, he will be remembered for bringing natural beauty of Scotland to thousand of viewers


37 Sat June 24 2006 - 10:22:03
Fullname: slappychappy
Where are your from?: the future
Homepage URL: www.slappers.co.uk
Comments: I've just been on their myspace and listened to a couple of their choons.....HERE I COME AND I'M A SLAPPING!!!!

38 Sat June 24 2006 - 06:38:44
Fullname: Star Smith
Email: samg6845@hotmal.com
Where are your from?: East Anglia
Homepage URL:
Comments: Morag...I have my slapping hand ready, but I know I won't need it. I have seen them as well. Saw them at Strummercamps and they totally blew the place apart. Top blokes as well who hung around for a chat afterwards. The lead singer looked familiar and I since found out he does a lot of TV and wrote for many of the music papers in the 80's and 90's.

They got every memeber of that crowd going so anyone going to see them will not be disapointed or you can slap me as well!

39 Tue June 20 2006 - 11:43:57
Fullname: James T. Pursey
Email: moderndanceandmime@fool.co.uk
Where are your from?: Not near enough to Bow Bells
Homepage URL: shamarmy.com
Comments: And earlier in the day at the Scooter Tent, you can see the only band that can give Sham 69 a run for their money... and that's saying something, 'cos we really are great. I've kept punk going for the last 20 years. You have me to thank. Shut up about that appearance on Riverside. At least no-one here saw me let in all those penalites in Celebrity Superstars. Wasn't my fault. Wrong kind of ball. I could go on...

40 Tue June 20 2006 - 07:24:16
Fullname: Morag
Email: manicmorag@u2.com
Where are your from?: Edinburgh
Homepage URL: www.goldblade.com
Comments: If anyone's going to The Wickerman Festival in Dumfries & Galloway on 21 July then I higly recommend that you get to The Scooter Tent in the evening. At 8 o'clock the mighty GOLDBLADE take to the stage... They're one of the best live bands in the country and I promise you won't be disappointed. (If you are then you have my permission to slap me!)

41 Sun April 30 2006 - 18:22:17
Fullname: spot the difference
Where are your from?:
Homepage URL:



42 Thu April 20 2006 - 13:01:26
Fullname: The Glitter Band (NOT Gary Glitter) just his band, and we DIDN'T know alright? So don't fucking start.
Email: notsomanybookingsthesedays@glitter.com
Where are your from?: Glitter World
Homepage URL: Credit Card details first
Comments: Aye Grim Reaper, and as we all know, you're not interested in . people over 14 eh? EH? EH? Aye.

43 Thu April 20 2006 - 12:42:15
Fullname: The grim reaper
Where are your from?: Hades
Homepage URL:
Comments: Yes look a lot older than 14!!!!

44 Sat April 01 2006 - 22:41:40
Fullname: Marcus Carcass
Email: flyingsaucerattack@blueyonder.co.uk
Where are your from?: Methil
Homepage URL:
Comments: Happy 14th anniversary Gin Goblins !!!

45 Fri March 31 2006 - 01:05:09
Fullname: andy yule
Email: andy5@02.ie
Where are your from?: ireland
Homepage URL:
Comments: get in touch. message from the otherside

46 Sun February 26 2006 - 15:27:31
Fullname: Jimmy Pursey
Where are your from?: Nowhere near the Bow Bells
Homepage URL:
Comments: That was ART!

47 Fri February 24 2006 - 13:07:21
Fullname: P. Dantic
Where are your from?: Factville
Homepage URL:
Comments: Sorry Juan Kerr,but you forgot the most ridiculous piece of post punk pishness and that was PURSEY on the RIVERSIDE doing the Bawbag dance!

48 Thu February 16 2006 - 14:13:37
Fullname: Juan Kerr
Email: please no!!
Where are your from?: The Romantic Era
Homepage URL: http://d21c.com/walpurgis9/abyss1.html
Comments: Whilst JOBBO undoubtedly had his marvellous wibbly wobbly dancing legs and MARCO had his amazing wibbly wobbly dancing gut do you not agree that it was Sharkey alone who embarrased us the most with his post punk attempts at crooning? or perhaps it was the UK Subs photo session for "keep on running" (til you burn)that had you cringing most.....answers on an old crusty bumflap to The Rich Kids c/o deflated egos .com

49 Tue January 17 2006 - 21:01:50
Fullname: Jimmy Saville
Email: definitelydodgy@justnotfoundoutyet.co.uk
Where are your from?: That white house at the bend in the road going through Glencoe
Homepage URL: http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~tones/photos/jimmysaville.jpg
Comments: I know you all know... so just watch it, or I'll fix it for you. Fix it for you GOOD.

50 Fri January 13 2006 - 21:23:05
Fullname: Santa
Where are your from?:
Homepage URL:
Comments: I think that must've been it.

1 Wed October 10 2012 - 19:45:50
Fullname: Rolf is God
Email: rolf@rolfharris.com
Where are your from?: The 'Row
Homepage URL:
Comments: Love to ya Dave man, but never forget THE SCARECROW OF STOCKBRIDGE and the No.23 bus ride!

2 Sat August 04 2012 - 18:55:03
Fullname: David Wielachowski
Email: davidanddad@talktalk.net
Where are your from?: prestonpans (via tottenham)
Homepage URL:
Comments: Saturday night listening to music on pc, just got back to my youth at the marquee club and listened to Gloria Mundi, forgot how good they were and reminded me of Coco who i drank with for years in the four in hand, so knew of Gin Goblins but never listened, fucking great!!!!! bin blown away for last hour and a half watching on you yube, any cds for sale????

3 Tue August 09 2011 - 21:55:50
Fullname: leery keely
Email: thisplaceisamorguecosoffacebook.com
Where are your from?: a strange place unlike any other
Homepage URL: i refuse to understand what this means
Comments: forgive me father for i have sinned...i know i promised never to indulge in satanic goblin worship again and i have been a good boy for almost a year...but they're playing with dick mental and deek the beard and i fear i am going to revert to my former sinful ways...give me guidance o' holy father

4 Sun March 06 2011 - 06:53:31
Fullname: andy yule
Email: andy@ymail.com
Where are your from?: ireland
Homepage URL: no idea
Comments: well so!!!!

5 Wed November 18 2009 - 00:28:04
Fullname: andy yule, ex manager.
Email: andy@ymail.com
Where are your from?: ireland
Homepage URL:
Comments: get in touch

6 Sun June 21 2009 - 03:22:40
Fullname: Billi Y
Email: billi77punk@yahoo.com
Where are your from?: states
Homepage URL:
Comments: Davey! good to see old punks never die... get to me, love to hear

7 Sun January 18 2009 - 03:22:49
Fullname: laura anne robinson
Email: l.robinson625@btinternet.com
Where are your from?: Boring Yorkshire
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi mikie, I am ur cousin from Yorkshire. Adrians sisters daughter, Florence,Lillian. The baby of the family !!

8 Tue January 13 2009 - 06:05:57
Fullname: Fiona Neill
Email: fneill@hotmail.co.uk
Where are your from?: Leith
Homepage URL:
Comments: Can't fucking get a babbysitter or contact you from your web page. So hopefully you'll remember who i am and you'll get back.

9 Thu January 08 2009 - 10:58:27
Fullname: Ectoplesmius rasterus iris feck
Email: s3condhandr3cords@hotmail.co.uk
Where are your from?: What the fuck are u looking at?
Homepage URL: www.myspace.com/secondhandrecords
Comments: Aight bloods n ting , gonny swap me a copy of the new cd for a copy of the erogineous new Bube album(music for people who've just given up)if ye dae ill no come tae get ye's in yer sleep.

10 Sun November 23 2008 - 13:11:40
Fullname: lorenzo kelliano
Email: bandstalker@greenyonder.co.uk
Where are your from?: mars
Homepage URL:
Comments: pram,baby walker,cot and potty available to good home..one careful owner,good condition..phone soon as its taking up space in my garage.

11 Wed October 29 2008 - 17:16:08
Fullname: leerance keely fee peertebeely
Email: useastamp.com
Where are your from?: my dads underpants
Homepage URL:
Comments: beware!...i bought this bands c.d. at a gig above the waterloo bar and when i got home it wouldn't play on my record player and it ruined my needle...

12 Tue July 29 2008 - 14:03:03
Fullname: Mark
Email: drakrats@yahoo.co.uk
Where are your from?: London
Homepage URL: myspace.com/boydnjustin
Comments: Just wanted to say that i loved the show at the Hawkfest.
You played a 'Blinder' as they say.....

Hope to see you at a venue near here soon....



13 Sun December 16 2007 - 15:13:26
Fullname: geeza
Where are your from?: cumbria
Homepage URL: www.myspace.com/thescabsclub
Comments: Fuckin mint gig at the joker n the cd is a belta

Geeza-The Scabs

14 Mon December 10 2007 - 20:09:22
Fullname: dodgerx
Email: dodgerx229@hotmail.com
Where are your from?: bellshill
Homepage URL: msn messenger
Comments: good gig saturday in the joker punx really no deed efter aw till next time

15 Fri October 26 2007 - 19:36:33
Fullname: branded 4 life
Email: becauseofonewheelchairincident.com
Where are your from?: suburbia via kirk st.
Homepage URL:
Comments: i never shagged her...i was just showing her my genital warts and she was shortsighted...

16 Tue October 09 2007 - 18:29:47
Fullname: Jimmy Squarefoot
Email: gnusound@yahoo.com
Where are your from?: The Tripe Valley
Homepage URL: n/a
Comments: I can't believe how many boodly pics I had to trawl through until eventually I found a pic of the 'brains' behind your little punk combo The great 'Robert o' the Tap' tsk tsk!

Get it sorted!


17 Mon April 09 2007 - 19:35:32
Fullname: Marco Pirroni
Email: ate it
Where are your from?: ate it
Homepage URL: ate it too
Comments: Two tonnes of Pink Panther chocolate bars, mixed with Caramac,coated in sugar-coated "Extra-Sugar TM" sugar. Eaten at the same time as the worlds biggest Milky Bar.
My recommendation for the day.

18 Thu April 05 2007 - 13:09:35
Fullname: Van
Email: vanh3ll@yahoo.com
Where are your from?: hell
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hell Yeah!
Right now I have discovered this awesome band: Gin Goblins!!
You're so fookin' C00L!
See ya!

19 Thu March 01 2007 - 20:49:50
Fullname: nofuckinsaying
Email: dont think so
Where are your from?: ma mum
Homepage URL:
Comments: Was that Lawrie, 'I shag the wheelchair bound' Kelly?

Still climbing huge erections?

Hows the family?

20 Wed February 21 2007 - 19:55:14
Fullname: elayne
Where are your from?: fuckin shitty burntisland via leith via gorgie etc
Homepage URL:
Comments: hi guys,im gonny write summat sensible!!!!enjoyed the site espec the auld pics!!!!my foggy mind is unclouding on seein auld pic o mikie as a teenager,i mind he used to sit in dalmeny st park a lot(i played/fought etc there as a wean and sniffed a wee dude wi buck teeth lol,well i wiz 10 or so!!!)anyway look forward to the path gig,im gonny get peeeeeiiiisssshhheddd and have a ball xx

21 Thu December 28 2006 - 13:35:56
Fullname: Fuck Rupert Murdoch
Email: he's a fucking wanker
Where are your from?: filling your head with pish
Homepage URL: and you love it
Comments: See, no-one writes anything here anymore... thanks Murdoch you total cunt. I, the guestbook, will dance on your grave. With all my guestbook pals.

22 Thu September 21 2006 - 14:17:54
Fullname: The rest of the band
Email: therestoftheband@here
Where are your from?: here
Homepage URL: here
Comments: No no, you were right the first time!

23 Wed September 20 2006 - 23:41:45
Fullname: brittany
Where are your from?: Burbank
Homepage URL:
Comments: sorry i meant to say everybody EXCEPT the singer was wank i wish he was my uncle xoxo

24 Wed September 20 2006 - 23:37:35
Fullname: brittany
Email: brittjay124@hotmail.com
Where are your from?: Burbank
Homepage URL:
Comments: I saw the gin goblins in britain and they were shitttttttttt the singer is a dickhead

25 Mon September 18 2006 - 23:00:16
Fullname: mee mee (guess)
Where are your from?: edinburger lol hee hee
Homepage URL:
Comments: hi daddy how is u oh n 2 da guy futher down the page IM THE LASSIE WI THE PINK HAIR lol(i dnt hv pink hair animore tho) im co co;s wee lassie (daughter) so hello 2 evri1 im 14 so i dnt mind if u swear dad the dvd player is wrkin great lol no hiccups xept the brightness is allways drk (????????) lol i wil try 2 fiz it soon well it is v. l8 at night so i btr be off luv yahxxxxx c yah sooon xxxxxxx